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Elderly Person in Respite Care with Caregiver.

Our Team


Your EnlivenPlus
dementia champions

Specialist Care

Your Specialist Care Manager is your central contact. These are Registered Health Professionals who have specialised in dementia care. They will work closely with you (and your primary care partner) to understand your needs, develop your support plans, provide education and regularly review how things are going.






Living well
support team

Your Living Well Support will work closely with your Specialist Care Manager to deliver the day-to-day support. Our amazing Living Well Support team have been chosen because of their deep connections and ‘heart’ for people living with dementia. Before they enter the programme, all complete EnlivenPlus’s own unique education in person-centred care and commit to ongoing interactive learning and mentoring to remain up-to-date with best-care delivery.

The team behind
your team

EnlivenPlus is committed to ensuring our service is of the highest standard. Your EnlivenPlus dementia champions are supported by a wider team that ensures we are constantly monitoring, learning and improving training and standards of care.









Ruth Thomas - Lead Specialist Respite Care Manager.jpg

Ruth Thomas

Lead Specialist Care Manager


Ruth leads the EnlivenPlus team. Known as the ‘dementia lady’, Ruth is the most incredible dementia advocate. The design of the programme is a result of 30 years of learnings in the sector and a desire to see change for the better. The moment you meet Ruth, you see her passion for people living with dementia and the desire to see truly person-centred care. Ruth holds a Masters in Dementia, and pulls together experiences from around the world. She was on the Board of Alzheimer’s Tauranga, was a founder member of the New Zealand Dementia Foundation and a dementia expert for the New Zealand Ministry
of Health.


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